AuthorizationCodeClass in namespace Bmatovu\OAuthNegotiator\GrantTypes
Class AuthorizationCode.
$Token#access_tokenProperty in class Token
Access token.


ClientCredentialsClass in namespace Bmatovu\OAuthNegotiator\GrantTypes
Class ClientCredentials.
FileTokenRepository::create() — Method in class FileTokenRepository
Create token.
TokenRepositoryInterface::create() — Method in class TokenRepositoryInterface
Create token.


FileTokenRepository::delete() — Method in class FileTokenRepository
Destroy token.
TokenRepositoryInterface::delete() — Method in class TokenRepositoryInterface
Destroy token.


$Token#expires_atProperty in class Token
Expires at.


FileTokenRepositoryClass in namespace Bmatovu\OAuthNegotiator\Repositories
Class FileTokenRepository.


AuthorizationCode::getToken() — Method in class AuthorizationCode
Obtain the token data returned by the OAuth2 server.
ClientCredentials::getToken() — Method in class ClientCredentials
Obtain the token data returned by the OAuth2 server.
GrantTypeInterfaceClass in namespace Bmatovu\OAuthNegotiator\GrantTypes
Interface GrantTypeInterface.
GrantTypeInterface::getToken() — Method in class GrantTypeInterface
Obtain the token data returned by the OAuth2 server.
Password::getToken() — Method in class Password
Obtain the token data returned by the OAuth2 server.
RefreshToken::getToken() — Method in class RefreshToken
Obtain the token data returned by the OAuth2 server.
Token::getAccessToken() — Method in class Token
Get access token.
Token::getRefreshToken() — Method in class Token
Get refresh token.
Token::getTokenType() — Method in class Token
Get token type.
Token::getExpiresAt() — Method in class Token
Get expires at.
TokenInterface::getAccessToken() — Method in class TokenInterface
Get access token.
TokenInterface::getRefreshToken() — Method in class TokenInterface
Get refresh token.
TokenInterface::getTokenType() — Method in class TokenInterface
Get token type.
TokenInterface::getExpiresAt() — Method in class TokenInterface
Get expires at.
$OAuth2Middleware#grantTypeProperty in class OAuth2Middleware
Primary grant type.
OAuth2Middleware::getGrantType() — Method in class OAuth2Middleware
Get main grant type.
OAuth2Middleware::getRefreshTokenGrantType() — Method in class OAuth2Middleware
Get refresh token grant type.
OAuth2Middleware::getToken() — Method in class OAuth2Middleware
Get a valid access token.
OAuth2Middleware::getTokenRepository() — Method in class OAuth2Middleware
Get token repository.
FileTokenRepository::getTokenFile() — Method in class FileTokenRepository
Get token file.


Token::isExpired() — Method in class Token
Determine if a token is expired.
TokenInterface::isExpired() — Method in class TokenInterface
Determine if token is expired.


OAuth2MiddlewareClass in namespace Bmatovu\OAuthNegotiator
Class OAuth2Middleware.


PasswordClass in namespace Bmatovu\OAuthNegotiator\GrantTypes
Class Password.


RefreshTokenClass in namespace Bmatovu\OAuthNegotiator\GrantTypes
Class RefreshToken.
$Token#refresh_tokenProperty in class Token
Refresh token.
$OAuth2Middleware#refreshTokenGrantTypeProperty in class OAuth2Middleware
Refresh token (secondary) grant type.
OAuth2Middleware::requestNewToken() — Method in class OAuth2Middleware
Acquire a new access token from the oauth2 server.
FileTokenRepository::retrieve() — Method in class FileTokenRepository
Retrieve token.
TokenRepositoryInterface::retrieve() — Method in class TokenRepositoryInterface
Retrieve token.


Token::setAccessToken() — Method in class Token
Set access token.
Token::setRefreshToken() — Method in class Token
Set refresh token.
Token::setTokenType() — Method in class Token
Set token type.
Token::setExpiresAt() — Method in class Token
Set expires at.
OAuth2Middleware::setGrantType() — Method in class OAuth2Middleware
Set main grant type.
OAuth2Middleware::setRefreshTokenGrantType() — Method in class OAuth2Middleware
Set refresh token grant type.
OAuth2Middleware::setToken() — Method in class OAuth2Middleware
Set token.
OAuth2Middleware::setTokenRepository() — Method in class OAuth2Middleware
Set token repository.
OAuth2Middleware::signRequest() — Method in class OAuth2Middleware
Add auth headers.
FileTokenRepository::setTokenFile() — Method in class FileTokenRepository
Set token file.


TokenNotFoundExceptionClass in namespace Bmatovu\OAuthNegotiator\Exceptions
Class TokenNotFoundException.
TokenRequestExceptionClass in namespace Bmatovu\OAuthNegotiator\Exceptions
Class TokenRequestException.
TokenClass in namespace Bmatovu\OAuthNegotiator\Models
Class Token.
$Token#token_typeProperty in class Token
Token type.
TokenInterfaceClass in namespace Bmatovu\OAuthNegotiator\Models
Interface TokenInterface.
$OAuth2Middleware#tokenRepositoryProperty in class OAuth2Middleware
Token repository.
$OAuth2Middleware#tokenProperty in class OAuth2Middleware
Token model.
$FileTokenRepository#tokenFileProperty in class FileTokenRepository
Token file.
TokenRepositoryInterfaceClass in namespace Bmatovu\OAuthNegotiator\Repositories
Interface TokenRepositoryInterface.


FileTokenRepository::update() — Method in class FileTokenRepository
Updates token.
TokenRepositoryInterface::update() — Method in class TokenRepositoryInterface
Updates token.


TokenNotFoundException::__construct() — Method in class TokenNotFoundException
TokenRequestException::__construct() — Method in class TokenRequestException
AuthorizationCode::__construct() — Method in class AuthorizationCode
ClientCredentials::__construct() — Method in class ClientCredentials
Password::__construct() — Method in class Password
RefreshToken::__construct() — Method in class RefreshToken
Token::__construct() — Method in class Token
OAuth2Middleware::__construct() — Method in class OAuth2Middleware
OAuth2Middleware::__invoke() — Method in class OAuth2Middleware
Guzzle middleware invocation.
FileTokenRepository::__construct() — Method in class FileTokenRepository